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Gum Recontouring In Ardmore,Pa


Gum Recontouring

Are you embarrassed by your smile for reasons other than tooth problems? Perhaps you have bright teeth that are perfectly straight, but you have a gummy smile. Or perhaps your gums are unevenly covering your teeth. Dr. Lindsey Marshall provides gum recontouring for her cosmetic dentistry patients in the Philadelphia area.

young man smiling

Treating Gum Disease

If gum disease has spread through your mouth, the soft tissue laser we use for cosmetic gum recontouring can also be used to clean the gums and remove bacteria. The laser works by breaking the molecular bonds in the gum tissue, vaporizing the tissue instantly. At the same time, it seals the remaining tissue, reducing any chance of bleeding or infection. The ravages of gum disease can be difficult to repair because once the process starts, it forms a vicious circle. Neglect of dental hygiene allows bacteria to increase in numbers, the increased number of bacteria creates more decay, which creates more space for them to spread, which creates yet more decay … and so on. The process tends to accelerate. Excellent dental hygiene is the best way to prevent gum disease from the beginning.

woman smiling


What Is Gum Recontouring?

Too much gum tissue covering teeth can get in the way of a dazzling smile. The most attractive smiles have good proportions between light, white teeth and dark in the form of gum tissue. Too much gum tissue in proportion to enamel is referred to as a gummy smile. This and other concerns can be corrected with gum recontouring. Gum recontouring is a cosmetic technique by which the gums are reshaped to create a more pleasing smile aesthetic. In addition to correcting a gummy smile, gum recontouring can resolve cosmetic concerns including an uneven gum line and disproportionate size between teeth in the smile. Dr. Marshall is a leading cosmetic dentist in the Main Line area who offers laser gum recontouring to achieve the best aesthetic outcomes. 

What Is the Difference between Laser Gum Recontouring and Traditional Gum Surgery? 

Traditional gum surgery uses a scalpel to shape tissue around teeth. When a scalpel is used, there is more trauma to the tissues and, subsequently, more bleeding and swelling. When laser gum contouring is performed: 

  • No cutting is performed.
  • No sutures or stitches are needed. 
  • Recovery is faster and more comfortable. 
  • Tissue shaping is more precise, leading to better cosmetic results. 

Candidates for Gum Reshaping 

Gum contouring or gum reshaping is an effective treatment for patients whose teeth appear to be short or misshapen due to excess gum tissue, or for those who have an uneven gum line. The line of your smile and the teeth that show when you smile are determined by several factors: 

  • The size and shape of your teeth.
  • The size and shape of your lips.
  • Your lip movement when you smile.
  • The amount of gum tissue you have.

Dr. Marshall will examine your gums and teeth before creating a treatment plan specific to your needs. An optimal smile line reveals the least possible amount of gum tissue. For this to occur, the gum contours must be in balance with your upper lip. By performing a laser gum treatment, Dr. Marshall is able to redefine your gum line and the line of your smile to enhance the appearance of your whole face. 

Is Gum Recontouring Painful? 

Gum recontouring is a minimally invasive and painless procedure. Soft tissue lasers do not cut or burn the tissue. Instead, a soft tissue laser will vaporize unwanted gum tissue by breaking down the cellular connections on a microscopic level. If you are concerned about comfort during any dental procedure, talk to Dr. Marshall about your options during your initial consultation.

Is Gum Recontouring Safe? Yes, gum recontouring is a safe procedure. Performed by an experienced cosmetic dentist like Dr. Marshall, only unnecessary tissue will be removed. When the tissue is excessive and provides no functional benefit, there will be no harm to your teeth or necessary gum tissue. 

Can Gun Recontouring Be Combined with Other Cosmetic Dental Procedures? In some cases, if you do not have straight and well-aligned teeth, your laser gum treatment may be combined with the placement of porcelain veneers. Custom-designed veneers allow Dr. Marshall to restore brightness and a pleasing contour to your teeth. The results of these combined procedures show more of your teeth and bring symmetry to your expressions and your overall facial features. 

How Long Do the Results of Gum Contouring Last? It is very rare for gum tissue to grow back after contouring has been performed. Therefore, results are expected to last indefinitely. 

What Is the Gum Reshaping Recovery Process Like? After your surgery, you will want to make sure that you get plenty of rest in order for your gums to heal properly. The healing process can take anywhere from a few days to a number of weeks depending on the extent of the amount of work you had on your gums. 

Dr. Marshall will be able to provide you with all of the information you will need about the recovery process and how to properly care for your teeth during the healing process. The information should include specific instructions on how to care for your teeth and gums. Here are a few tips to help you through the recovery process: 

  • Eat foods that are soft to chew. 
  • If you’re experiencing a lot of pain, check with Dr. Marshall in order to make sure that over-the-counter drugs such as Advil or Tylenol are safe for you. 
  • Be sure to follow Dr. Marshall’s instructions on how to properly take care of your teeth.


As a cosmetic procedure, gum recontouring can do wonders to improve the quality of your smile. A gum recontouring procedure from Dr. Marshall can bring your gums into proper proportion with your teeth, improving the appearance of your smile and enhancing the natural beauty of your entire face. Cosmetic gum reshaping treatments require just one office visit. After the area is numbed, Dr. Marshall will use very conservative techniques using soft tissue laser to remove the smallest amount of tissue necessary for the best results. This safe and effective method of gum recontouring is part of our devotion to offering the latest in cosmetic dental technology.


Compared to other gum treatments, laser gum recontouring offers several benefits. One of the primary advantages of laser gum recontouring is that the device facilitates the most precise shaping of the gums. The soft tissue laser “cuts” the gums in a unique way that results in less bleeding, swelling, and discomfort post-treatment. There is also a lower risk of infection when a soft tissue laser is used, because the dental laser vaporizes tissue, destroying bacteria at the same time.


The risk of complications associated with laser gum recontouring is very low. The few issues that may arise include an adverse reaction to the local anesthesia used during treatment and excessive bleeding or swelling. Because the laser seals blood vessels, bleeding is quite minimal. If you have had a filling or other treatment in which a dentist injected numbing medication into your gums, you should tolerate gum recontouring without adverse reaction.


‘‘Dr. Lindsey Marshall and her staff are incredible! They offer the finest dentistry with state-of-the-art facilities. My teeth look amazing. One of the best dentists in the country.’’ Steve B.
Dentist Lindsey Marshall in Philadelphia

Lindsey Marshall, DMD

Welcome to the practice of Lindsey Marshall, DMD in Ardmore, PA. We proudly serve Greater Philadelphia with comprehensive dental treatments in a spa-like environment.

Request a consultation by filling out our online form or by calling us at (610) 649-0696.

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